It occurred to me the other day, (as I was idly thinking - as I am wont to do), that there are quite a few similarities between me and a dalek (of 'Dr. Who' fame). If I remember rightly, daleks are composed of an amorphous mass of intelligence, enclosed in an inflexible, odd-shaped, body. Just like me! They also scoot along on wheels - as I do! And as for repeatedly voicing a desire to 'exterminate', well, I may not be very vocal about that but I do harbour thoughts along those lines!
Even my voice sounds like a dalek (- notwithstanding that I have previously described it as a cross between Marge Simpson and Darth Vader.) It is that mechanistic monotone that does it.
Very early on, an Occpational Therapist who had great insight and empathy, said to me ''It must be like being imprisoned in your own body.'' What an astute observation! That is just how it felt, nay feels! It was particularly so when I was 'Locked-In'. Luckily (and surely luck plays a considerable part in this), I was Locked-In 'only' for three months. Three months in Solitary Confinement, able only to think. Then slowly, gradually, I began to break out. Now, although still imprisoned, my 'shackles are loosened' - thanks to electronics (previously described), and the return of a miniscule amount of movement sufficient to operate them. Without this loosening, I don't know how I would bear my imprisonment! To be Locked-In for years on end must indeed be a living hell.
I suppose I am fortunate to see some humour in my situation - and recognize similarities between me and a science-fantasy character! I suppose I should be thankful for small mercies...
Quite recently, the daleks learned how to climb stairs ...Watch This Space!