Mothering Sunday. Fourteen years ago today, I was sitting at a Church service, when the world around me started to spin. Fourteen years since my world, and that of my family and close friends, was tipped upside-down. That's a long, long time! In those fourteen years so much has happened. My two daughters have been through University, and each has qualified in her chosen profession. Both have married, and my grandson was born. My husband has left me. I have had septicaemia twice and a brain-tumour. (I suspect that I am not alone in experiencing similar Major Life Events in that space of time - but today is a day of reflection for me). So many plans thwarted, and thoughts of the future fill me with terror! It's very easy to slip into feeling sorry-for-myself.
But the clue is in the title of these blogs: 'Survivor'. One of my daughter's friends has described me as 'indestructible'. H'm! I don't know about that! But it does seem that cats aren't the only ones with nine lives! I really do have much to be thankful for.
Survival in the first place was due to the efforts of others, and my continued survival - flourishing even - depends heavily on the efforts of others. But good fortune has played its part too! It was very fortunate that the clot which caused the stroke lodged where it did (any higher, and I wouldn't have survived at all). It was also fortunate that I 'got back' some sort of speech (weird though it is), and the meagre movement in my thumb (with which I operate all sorts of electronics). I therefore have a modicum of independence, and live in - and run - my own home, for which I am very thankful All through the efforts of others of course! I also have a loving and supportive family and good friends, for which I am enormously thankful.
So, despite the very great temptation to wallow in self-pity this and every Mothering Sunday, perhaps I should focus not only on being thankful for my own Mother, but for so much more as well.
Very touching Margaret. Your friends and family are thankful you are here x